Reviews Infernax (2022) When I played through the Castlevania series a few years ago, I struggled with Castlevania 2 probably more than any of the other ones. Partly due to it being so bafflingly hard to progress without some sort of guide book, as it required you to hang out on random parts
Reviews A Plague Tale: Innocence (2019) Just not enough games focus on 14th century France. Nor do they revel in the gross and disgusting conditions of those far off times. A Plague Tale: Innocence spends the majority of the time showing the gross underbelly of France during this time period and is using the Black Plague
Podcast Episode 54 - New Year New Games As the new year of 2022 shows up, I spent time hanging out at home and playing lots of video games…. Mostly older ones. And I found a new appreciation for the Skate series thanks to our Discord Server picking it as the first Game Of The Month Club.
Reviews Taiko no Tatsujin: Drum 'n' Fun! (2018) After I modded my switch and downloaded everything under the sun that I could possibly want. I came across a game that got my interest a couple years ago. Nintendo has always had this weird obsession with drumming games, with Donkey Konga and their stupid loud annoying bongos being the
Reviews Skate 3 (2010) The only thing I remember from my first time playing Skate 3 back in 2010 was the fictional character played by pro skater turned actor Jason Lee, called Coach Frank. That should say enough about the third sequel to the amazing Skate series, but there is more to it than
Reviews Skate 2 (2008) Black Box came back with vengeance in it’s follow up to their first Skate game, with Skate 2 just a couple years later. Everything is improved, with better fidelity of the graphics, a much larger city and even more events and objectives to complete. But with those massive lists
Reviews Skate. (2008) Putting the stupid naming convention of EA’s Skate aside, it’s a game and series that tried to take on gaming’s skateboarding genre that was well established by Tony Hawk and his Pro Skater series. Instead of just copying the layout and using the same formula, Skate really
Reviews Mortal Kombat 11 (2019) I’m terrible at fighting games, and I’ve never really been much of a competitive type of person to begin with. So when a new fighting game comes out, I very rarely ever get into them. I just don’t enjoy fighting against the person I’m hanging out
Reviews Lake (2021) I lived in a small lake based mountain community for around 10 years, and while it wasn’t quite as small as the city of Providence Oaks in Lake is, it felt like I was back home. Lake takes place in a small lakeside town in 1980’s Oregon, and
Podcast Episode 53 - Game Of The Year 2021 2021 was a wonderful year for me, and while I didn’t finish and complete as many games this year, I spent quality time with the ones I did. The first 30 minutes are recapping the games I finished this year, and the rest of this 2.5 hour long
Reviews New Super Lucky's Tale (2021) I’m surprised by a couple things with Lucky’s Tale, one, that it’s a franchise that seems to have put out a few games now, and no one talks about it. And two, that the reason no one talks about it, is partially the fault of the naming
Reviews Halo Infinite (2021) Somewhere along the 5th game in the series, I lost all interest in the Halo franchise. ODST with its weird offshoot story, and Reach being at the end of the 360’s lifespan, along with Bungie no longer the developers of their own game… I just didn’t care about
Podcast Episode 52 - Forza, The T Is Silent It’s Christmas Time Once Again, and before doing Game Of The Year, I got through the last few games I’ve played. Including Forza Horizon 5, The entire 2D Metroid Series and Deathloop.
Reviews Deathloop (2021) Arkane games are a bit of a missing piece of my gaming background. When Dishonored came around, I was captivated by its artstyle, reminding me very much of Bioshock mixed with Half-Life 2. But sadly the gameplay itself relied so heavily on stealth that I really didn’t get into
Reviews Aladdin {SNES} (1991) Ever being the fair champion of giving something the benefit of the doubt, I finally sat down and gave a fair shot to the SNES version of Aladdin. Already going in to it knowing the Genesis version was the superior version, I do admit I was kinda rooting for this
Reviews Metroid Dread (2021) When Metroid Dread was released in October of 2021, it kicked off the newest gaming obsession of mine, and allowed me to finally start the journey of playing through the other half of the genre known to most as “MetroidVanias”. In 2019, I played through the Castlevania series, and now
Reviews Metroid Fusion (2002) My journey to play the whole Metroid series in chronological storyline order was immediately fraught with issues the moment I decided to start. Playing Zero Mission as it’s a remake of the first game with extra stuff padded in went well enough, but after having to make a decision
Reviews Forza Horizon 5 (2021) Paratrooping a car out of a cargo plane and landing on an active volcano and racing down it is a great opener for a game all about crazy and exciting racing. The Forza series has been split in twain for quite a long time now, and with each new entry
Podcast Episode 51 - A FarCry to the Galaxy Short and sweet episode to figure out what's wrong with the podcast feed, but I talk a bit about FarCry 6 and the unexpected Guardians of the Galaxy and how blown away by it I was.
Reviews Super Metroid (1994) Now that I have played through two full Metroid games, it was finally time to get to the one most hold up and not only the best Metroid, not only one of the best Super Nintendo games, but also one of the best games of all time period. Super Metroid
Reviews AM2R (2016) AM2R or also know as “Another Metroid 2 Remake” is a bit weird to review, being that it’s not an official game; it’s a fan made remake that only is available on PC and actually received a DMCA notice from Nintendo making sure that the creator stopped working
Reviews Unpacking (2021) Unpacking is a very simple game, that tells what I believe is a personal story of the developer’s life. No real text or words show up in the game, and it’s all through context that you get the idea of what is happening. Just like the title suggests,
Reviews Guardians Of The Galaxy (2021) Marvel’s video games have always been hit and miss, even back in the 8-bit days. Some games were great, some completely unplayable. Super Heroes have entered into this super ultra mega pop-culture realm a bit over a decade ago, and since then, we have had what feels like hundreds
Reviews FarCry 6 (2021) FarCry is a weird series for me. I remember when the original game came out on PC and it was the one everyone was using to show off how amazing games could look, but when it veered into weird monsters on an island, I lost interest. When the second came
Podcast Episode 50 - 50th Episode Spectacular Join me for this special milestone episode as I talk about a ton of games that I've played and finished over the last month and a half!