Reviews Super Mario 64 - PC Port/120 Stars (2020) There have been many “Gamer Bucket Lists” people have created over the years, and I’ve read a ton of them. One common checklist item is getting all 120 Stars in Super Mario 64. Something I sadly never have done. I always lost track at the end after getting all
Reviews Hollow Knight (2017) Map based exploration and platforming games instantly make me not want to play them, maybe because of it’s more common title, Metroidvania. Maybe it’s because I absolutely despise backtracking in games, and it makes the game have an artificial buffer of time added to it that serves no
Podcast Episode 25 - The Great Crossing Of Animals Elizabeth takes time out of her schedule counting bells to inform me of how the Animal Crossing series actually works and why it's just so darn addicting.
Reviews Resident Evil 3: REmake (2020) Hot on the heels of last year’s amazing remake of Resident Evil 2, in Capcom’s own brand new RE Engine, they went ahead and remade the next game in the series, Resident Evil 3. As one who never really has liked the Resident Evil series, and only game
Podcast Episode 24 - Lets Get Musical And now for something completely different... This episode is more of me just wanting to play some music for you to enjoy for a bit.
Reviews Black Mesa (2020) Half-Life has always been a blind spot in my gaming record. I remember when it came out and my friend Andrew loving it, I remember bits and pieces of it when I would go over his house and watch him play it. I wanted to get into it so badly
Podcast Episode 23 - Ori and the Will to Live I got sick and wasted over a week playing a ton of games. I finally got around to the Ori games and had a blast! I'm also going through Black Mesa for the first real time and also went for A Short Hike.
Reviews Ori and the Will of the Wisps (2020) Ori and the Will of the Wisps does what all good sequels do and takes everything I loved about The Blind Forest, and changes just enough to make it still feel familiar, while changing it up quite a bit. With this still being my initial foray into Metroidvania style games,
Reviews A Short Hike (2019) You play as Claire, a young Penguin who has been taken by her Aunt May to a vacation weekend on a small island. The island's main tourist spot is at the very top called “Hawk Peak”. Since there is no cell phone service on the island except for the top
Reviews Ori and the Blind Forest (2015) A couple years after Ori came out, I finally loaded it up and got about 20 minutes into it. Then I just dropped it. Why? I honestly don’t know. Maybe because back in 2017 I didn’t really like Metroidvanias that much, maybe because I wasn’t really in
Reviews Road Rash 3D (1998) Bringing Road Rash into the third dimension shouldn’t be too terribly difficult. Keep the same fast paced formula but transform the sprites into polygons right? Road Rash 3D tried and failed miserably. Sadly, there are a few interesting pieces here, underneath everything else that could have resembled a great
Podcast Episode 22 - Below The Arctic Zero Instead of playing Dave Mirra 3, I decided to play the Playstation remake of Road Rash and also dipped my toes into the Subnautica sequel Below Zero.
Reviews Road Rash [Playstation] (1996) Road Rash was always one of my favorite games when I first got my Genesis. The only memory of my Grandma ever picking up a controller was when she and I sat down and she finished a race in Road Rash, she stayed to one side of the road, never
Reviews BMX XXX (2002) Ugh, the less said about this game, the better. Basically, this game was supposed to be Dave Mirra Freestyle BMX 3, but the change in nature, to a more foul and nasty tone led Dave to not sign off on it. He made the right move. Right off the bat,
Reviews Aggressive Inline (2002) A game like Aggressive In-line is something of a rarity now-a-days. It only comes along once in a great while. I remember my first time with this game vividly, a hot summer day, taking a break from my first job and strolling through Blockbuster. Grabbing an ice cold Vanilla Coke
Reviews Dave Mirra Freestyle BMX: Maximum Remix (2001) Maximum Remix takes the first Dave Mirra game and adds a few new levels, songs and tweaks some of the original objectives of the first game and makes it a more complete package. Not much more can really be said about it. In modern terms this is much more of
Reviews Dave Mirra Freestyle BMX 2 (2001) After years of only spending a grand total of maybe 10 minutes with Dave Mirra 2 on the original Xbox back in the mid aughts, I finally dug my heels in and sat down with a mission to complete this game that has eluded me for over a decade. My
Podcast Episode 21 - Skank It Up I don't want to be a rude boy, and it's been a while. So instead of wasting time, I'm here to pick it up and talk about the movies and games I've been playing for the last month or so.
Reviews Thrasher: Skate & Destroy (1999) Thrasher: Skate & Destroy came out just a bit after Tony Hawk’s Pro Skater, and I was in full blown Skateboarding fandom. I couldn’t get enough of skating and even though I was horrible at it in real life, I was able to fulfill my fantasies in video game
Reviews Dave Mirra Freestyle BMX (2000) Dave Mirra Freestyle BMX came out a year after Tony Hawk, while I was right in the prime of my high school years. I remember playing the demo that took place in the woodward training camp, and just falling in love with it. Even for how much it was taking
Podcast Episode 20 - Awaken To The Crash Of The Dragon Welcome to the New Year! I break down the first couple of weeks of games I've been playing, but first I need to explain why the Star Wars Prequels suck, after watching the entire series back to back to back to back...
Reviews Crash Bandicoot - N.Sane Trilogy (2017) Crash Bandicoot 1 Crash has always been a staple of the Playstation brand since the early days. With one of my earliest Playstation memories, the demo disc with PaRappa and Crash sitting in the kiosk at Warehouse. When the game was remade for the PS4 in 2017, I was excited
Reviews Spyro The Dragon 2 - Ripto's Rage: The Reignighted Trilogy (2019) Spyro 2, takes everything that the original game did, and added to it. One of the only small gripes I have with the sequel, is that gone are the variety of Dragons from the original game. Instead, those dragons are replaced with a few new “friends” who are a bit
Reviews Spyro The Dragon: Reignited Trilogy (2019) The original Spyro game was always a game that I remember fondly while never actually playing the full game. I remember the commercials, I remember playing the demo and loving it, but I never actually rented or owned the full game itself. I played the demo for the game on
Podcast Episode 19 - Game Of The Year 2019 It’s Christmas!!! So I’m going to countdown my favorite games that came out this year, along with honorable mentions of games that I sunk a good chunk of time into.